Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Daze

So its been a while since my last update, but I feel I can blame my wife entirely for the lack of posts as this directly correlates with her school year ending in June (just kidding!).

The truth is I've been trying to figure out where the project goes from here. I wasn't sure whether I would continue the project through the summer because Meg is home, but I decided I would. I also have been trying to think about where I'd like this project to go and how I'd like it to evolve. I have some ideas on that, but I'm not quite there yet. Suggestions are welcome.

Just because Meg and I are both home now a good portion of the time, it doesn't mean that work on my end stops. We each take turns hanging with Loy while the other tries to get things done that we need or would like to get done. This time has allowed me the chance to do some work on my website and start shooting some other projects that I've wanted to get started. I've also been training for RAGBRAI, the bike ride which starts in 11 days (Ahhh!).

So these are some recent selections from the last few weeks. Keep on the lookout for (what I think at least) a fun twist to the blog starting Friday.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So Loy and I have been keeping ourselves busy the last couple weeks with yoga, sign language classes and trips to Central Park (with some other stay at home dad's). But here are some selects from today and recent.

Keeping Loy entertained is always fun: a few weeks ago I decided to teach him proper record player etiquette and now all he wants to do is listen to my 45's! He's also started walking which presents a whole other set of challenges, namely climbing the stairs and me worrying that he's going to fall flat on his face while making his way to put clothes in his hamper (another fave pastime). I've started to let him take control of the camera remote for some of the straight-on portraits of me alone and with him (see above), the results should be entertaining, at least.

With Summertime officially a few weeks away (which I think really starts when school is out), it means Meg will be home and I will start putting some more focus on putting up a proper page on my website with this work. That entails putting some serious editing time in and brushing up on some of my html skills. Until then, keep checking here for updates.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Been awhile since my last post. Holidays and long weekends, but still shooting. Here's a bunch of selects from the last month of shooting. keep the comments coming. Love hearing everyone's thoughts on the work! Tell me what you like, what u don't.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Its really amazing how quickly things changed once Loy hit one year old status: out with the breastfeeding and bottles in with the goat's milk and sippy cups. Gone are the mushed up veggies and fruit we were making and now its grilled cheese and bacon (woohoo BACON!)

These changes underscore the changes I see in Loy everyday and reminds me of times before Loy was in the picture, when other parents would say to us they grow up so fast and we would think 'what are you talking about?'.

But they do. One minute you're taking care of everything then the next they're using their own fork or playing on their own or going off to college.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My wife has been home from work over the last few weeks for holidays (school teacher) so I haven't been doing much shooting/posting lately. On top of that I've been dealing with some back problems, but hopefully that won't hinder me too much! But here's one I shot a couple weeks back that I like so far. Will see how it grows on me.

Hopefully I'll be back in the full swing of shooting soon enough...

Friday, April 3, 2009


So its been a year since Meg and I were racing off to the hospital (well actually more like stuck in NY traffic) and two hours later we were welcoming little Mr. Loy Weston Saponara into the world.

So this morning, rather than Meg waking me @ 5 am in Labor it was Meg waking me because Loy was crying and it was my turn to go into his room.

Loy must've been just so excited to celebrate his first birthday today that he couldn't wait to be awake. What's funny is I went in to get him, I lied down on the sofa with him in his room, and he put his head down on my shoulder and slept. I really couldn't sleep, so I just watched him and I couldn't help but think that a year ago, just moments after he was born, I was holding him in that same shoulder, sitting by Meg's side. A year ago, he was so small and got lost in my arms, while now he takes up a lot more real estate.

It has been so fun to watch the changes that have occured. And every parent says it about their child, but its amazing to see a child grow and learn and learn a new skill from one day to the next. Something that I only thnk a parent can understand is that it has been the longest year that has gone by so quickly.

Here's one of the first pictures taken of Loy and I, but still my favorite.

Happy Birthday baby boy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April showers...

So I have been Super Swamped lately, with grant writing, editing, and not to mention trying to plan a (not so) small 1st birthday party for a little someone, in addition to taking care of that very mobile almost 1 year old, that I haven't had the chance to post to the blog.
(How do people find the time to blog everyday?)
That doesn't mean I haven't been busy shooting, though. Here's a sampling from the last few weeks. I'm hoping to post a larger selection from each day on my own website rather than overdoing the blog with too many images.

Also, for those who missed Loy and I on TV over the w/e, you can see it here:
