Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday is the new Monday

So my wife normally works late on Mondays and that tends to be the toughest day for me. Loy tends to get sick of me by about 300-330, and its another 3 hours til Meg gets home. So basically until she gets home, I can't get much accomplished. It doesn't help that while Loy loves to sleep thru the night, his nap skills are, shall we say, lacking.

So anyway, the point of this is that every once in awhile the late night switches from Monday to Tuesday's and it just so happens that will be the case this week and next.

Also, someone sent me a message asking why I was the stay at home parent, and so rather than repeat the answer 100 times, I'll post it here: My wife earned a higher salary than I do (did). My wife's job has health insurance; freelance photogs don't. Well that's the short story version, the epic version some other time.

Today's photo's were cut short by the aforementioned wacky Tuesday. The first half of shooting went well, but I definitely felt my energy drain during the second half of the day, and I didn't have the energy to drag the camera/tripod and Loy up and down 2 flights of stairs continuously.

I'm working for the next three days (I pick up the occasional assisting jobs - more for my sanity than for the money) so I probably won't have much to post as far as new images go, but I might drop in some surprises.

The Diaper Change

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